We are proud to announce that our Albedo Signature Metamorphosis Monocrystal speaker cables have been honored with a prestigious distinction in The Stereo Times magazine’s Most Wanted Components 2024 ranking! Reviewer Moreno Mitchell leaves no doubt: “The Albedo Signature Metamorp
Albedo Metamorphosis Signature Monocrystal Interconnects I have lived with many high-end audio cables for years. However, for now, I am convinced the Albedo cables are the best I’ve experienced thus far. The audio signal freely travels as if transmitted in thin air, without constricti
Monolith RCA test Taiwan
“Ta linia ma kilka charakterystycznych cech dźwiękowych. Po pierwsze, Monolith jest lepszy od tego, co osobiście recenzowałem w przeszłości. jak gra koreańskiej skrzypaczki Kim Bonsoliny Zhang „Skrzypce na scenie”, światło prezentowane przez tę linię barwa je
Flat-One RCA test Taiwan
“Wciąż byłem bardzo podekscytowany, gdy usłyszałem Flat One. Niesamowite, ponieważ ma gładkość wdzięku przewodu miedzianego, a zarazem istnieje przezroczystość srebrnego przewodnika i jednoczesne połączenie każdego pasma częstotliwości .Jest to tak naturalne
ALBEDO Metamorphosis Signature is here
We are proud to announce that the latest product from the reference Matamorphosis series, SIGNATURE version signal cables, is now available in our offer. It is an extension of the basic design of this model, we have increased the number of cables by more than 30%, we have added new geometries
Cooperation with the native manufacture of J.Sikora
We are pleased to inform you about establishing cooperation with the native manufacture J.Sikora . The new product of this company, which is a Kevlar arm, has been equipped with silver-monocrystalline ALBEDO cabling.
Award from
We are pleased to announce the award of the prize by for products from the Monolith series.
Hifi Pig Recommendation
Recommendation for Monolith Reference cable series in Hifi Pig magazine.
Visit us at Munich on May 11-13
We invite you to visit our stand at the HIGH END M.O.C. Munich. Hall No.1 on May 11-13.